Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beware of Craigslist Scammer

After going against my better judgment, I took a writing job off of good old Craigslist for a student who needed a paper done. After going back and forth with her about how she does not usually pay upfront for her assignments, I decided to be a good person and write the paper with only a $25 deposit being sent to me. As expected, upon completion of the paper, this girl decided that she was going to tell me she couldn't use any of the content I wrote and therefore would not pay me the rest of the money! No problem. Now we post the content that I wrote so that her school with see she is using plagiarized content. Feel free to contact me for verification if you find this website and need further details about her plagiarism attempts! Craiglist has already been notified. Here is the content given to her (unformatted of course): Functional Behavior Analysis Name: Melanie Case #: D.O.B.: OSIS #: C.A.: Program/Gr.: 7th Gr. S.E. This functional behavior analysis was carried out over the period of the past two weeks. Sources of information include teacher interviews, anecdotal reports, review of records and direct observation. Behavior(s): Frequency/Duration/Intensity Melanie has shown signs of extreme withdrawal and aggression over the last few weeks, acting out physically and emotionally on classmates and teachers. Although some days she exerts positive behavior and cooperates, at often times she becomes jealous over adult attention and acts on in aggression toward the other students. She has also shown a pattern of stealing from the other students and classroom when she becomes oppositional to get the attention she feels she is lacking. Antecedent Events: 3/22/12 – I was helping Melanie as she was actively focused on a project when another student needed my attention. As I turned to provide it, Melanie began throwing the crafts across the table and shouting obscenities at the student. She was given a verbal warning but proceeded to shout for several minutes. 3/29/12 – Melanie was involved in an altercation between another female classmate and a male classmate. After questioning all of the children, it was agreed and confirmed by Melanie that she had started the altercation between the two classmates by starting a rumor about the girl which involved the boy. When Melanie was spoken to about the situation she did not express concern or full understanding of what she had done wrong in the situation. However, she repeatedly expressed her sense of accomplishment that the altercation was not physical. 4/1/12 – Melanie was involved in an altercation after gym class with another female student. During this altercation, Melanie physically attacked the girl by pulling her to the ground and kicking her. When she was questioned about the altercation, Melanie admitted that the girl had confronted her about her gossiping, making her feel defensive. Setting Events and Conditions/Motivations: Melanie expresses a serious of behavioral patterns which all derive around attention. After several instances of her being in the center of altercations, usually caused by gossiping and starting rumors, Melanie seems to draw negative attention to herself when she feels she is not getting enough attention. She has shown signs within the last few weeks that indicate she is selective about who she seeks this attention from, as she targets rumors about the female classmates which share the same crush as her. She is also protective over the adult attention she receives. Previous Approaches and Interventions: After each incident, I have spoken to Melanie on both a one on one basis as well as in a group with the other children involved in each altercation. In all instances, she apologized when prompted to but did not show signs of sincere remorse or true understanding of what she did wrong. I have asked Melanie repeatedly to approach me when she feels defensive against or uncomfortable around her classmates, but she has yet to utilize the option. Other Relevant Information: I’ve noticed that after each incident or series of outbursts occurs, Melanie calms herself down by drawing in her notebook. She enjoys showing me her drawings when she finishes and seems to utilize the time to reflect on the occurrences. However, she does not like to speak of the incidents after they happen. If questioned at this point, she becomes very aggressive and agitated. Suggestions: Since Melanie displays extreme focus on creative arts and chooses drawing as a way to self-release her anger and frustration, I strongly suggest placing her in arts classes outside of school or encouraging her to participate in the extra-curricular art programs offered by the school. I believe that this will help her regain her focus, alleviate her frustration and give her a sense of self-accomplishment by the visuals of her artwork. Functional Behavior Analysis Name: Melanie Case #: D.O.B.: OSIS #: C.A.: Program/Gr.: 7th Gr. S.E. This functional behavior analysis was carried out over the period of the past two weeks. Sources of information include teacher interviews, anecdotal reports, review of records and direct observation. Behavior(s): Frequency/Duration/Intensity Melanie has shown signs of extreme withdrawal and aggression over the last few weeks, acting out physically and emotionally on classmates and teachers. Although some days she exerts positive behavior and cooperates, at often times she becomes jealous over adult attention and acts on in aggression toward the other students. She has also shown a pattern of stealing from the other students and classroom when she becomes oppositional to get the attention she feels she is lacking. Antecedent Events: 3/22/12 – I was helping Melanie as she was actively focused on a project when another student needed my attention. As I turned to provide it, Melanie began throwing the crafts across the table and shouting obscenities at the student. She was given a verbal warning but proceeded to shout for several minutes. 3/29/12 – Melanie was involved in an altercation between another female classmate and a male classmate. After questioning all of the children, it was agreed and confirmed by Melanie that she had started the altercation between the two classmates by starting a rumor about the girl which involved the boy. When Melanie was spoken to about the situation she did not express concern or full understanding of what she had done wrong in the situation. However, she repeatedly expressed her sense of accomplishment that the altercation was not physical. 4/1/12 – Melanie was involved in an altercation after gym class with another female student. During this altercation, Melanie physically attacked the girl by pulling her to the ground and kicking her. When she was questioned about the altercation, Melanie admitted that the girl had confronted her about her gossiping, making her feel defensive. Setting Events and Conditions/Motivations: Melanie expresses a serious of behavioral patterns which all derive around attention. After several instances of her being in the center of altercations, usually caused by gossiping and starting rumors, Melanie seems to draw negative attention to herself when she feels she is not getting enough attention. She has shown signs within the last few weeks that indicate she is selective about who she seeks this attention from, as she targets rumors about the female classmates which share the same crush as her. She is also protective over the adult attention she receives. Previous Approaches and Interventions: After each incident, I have spoken to Melanie on both a one on one basis as well as in a group with the other children involved in each altercation. In all instances, she apologized when prompted to but did not show signs of sincere remorse or true understanding of what she did wrong. I have asked Melanie repeatedly to approach me when she feels defensive against or uncomfortable around her classmates, but she has yet to utilize the option. Other Relevant Information: I’ve noticed that after each incident or series of outbursts occurs, Melanie calms herself down by drawing in her notebook. She enjoys showing me her drawings when she finishes and seems to utilize the time to reflect on the occurrences. However, she does not like to speak of the incidents after they happen. If questioned at this point, she becomes very aggressive and agitated. Suggestions: Since Melanie displays extreme focus on creative arts and chooses drawing as a way to self-release her anger and frustration, I strongly suggest placing her in arts classes outside of school or encouraging her to participate in the extra-curricular art programs offered by the school. I believe that this will help her regain her focus, alleviate her frustration and give her a sense of self-accomplishment by the visuals of her artwork. Behavioral Intervention Plan Student Name: Melanie Meeting Participants: Mrs. B., Melanie, Mrs. Phillips Grade: 7 Date Developed: 4/12/12 Melanie continues to show a downward spiral pattern of aggression and at times isolation from and against her fellow classmates. I believe that Melanie only portrays this behavior when she feels defensive against the other students or feels that they are taking attention away from her. This behavior is mainly witnessed with teach interaction and with the female students. It has been noted that Melanie becomes jealous over relationships and does not work well in odd numbered groups. She is more balanced when working either alone or with a partner. Her behavior is becoming more and more frequent and intense with each incident. It is taking Melanie longer to self-defuse and nearly impossible to calm her without removing and isolating her from the other children. I would like to implement a behavioral plan for Melanie who enables her to utilize time every day for her creative activities before and after she interacts with the other classmates. I believe that Melanie needs to interact more closely with her aggression targets in order to feel more accepted by them. Since Melanie has a tendency to act out in the same three ways, I think focusing on those target areas is vital to reversing and eliminating her negative behavior. In light of these incidents I propose that Melanie is to be engaged in more activities with her peers, mainly those she feels less confident around such as her potential crushes and their female circle of friends. Melanie seems to turn to gossip about the female friends of her crushes because she is jealous of the attention they receive from them. However, I do not believe that Melanie asserts the same effort to obtain positive attention as she does negative. Focusing on this issue should be addressed by encouraging Melanie in self-confidence building activities such as those which focus on her individual talents – creative arts, building and acting. I also believe that by addressing the situation and alleviating her tension before it evolves will play a key role in helping her adjust to her environment, avoid aggressive behavior and rebuild her confidence levels. I suggest handling this is small ways such as addressing Melanie before taking attention off of her for another student or professional. In order to achieve full success with Melanie’s behavior patterns, I believe that a formal structure needs to be implemented in both her home and school environments. Whereas during school hours, I will ensure that Melanie receives adequate attention and the level of acknowledgement she feels she is lacking – I suggest the same consistent attention at home. However, Melanie needs to be held accountable for her actions in the same manner. Since she seems to react better to one on one interaction with matters of her wrongdoings – her punishments and reprimands should not be done publicly or in the presence of her peers. She is easily embarrassed and does not yet understand how to channel her emotions so she becomes angry and potentially violent when overwhelmed with them. Each adult in Melanie’s life must take responsibility for her behavior patterns. Her fragile mental state and frustration needs to be handled in a structured manner by everyone she has learned to look at as an authority figure. Simple things such as giving her compliments and reassurance may alleviate her confusion and build her self esteem which will target her need for undivided attention and the inability to share it. In addition, Melanie needs to be held accountable for her actions utilizing the same constant – your attention on her. Removing privileges does not successfully transmit the severity of a situation to Melanie. The message needs to be clearly portrayed to Melanie that when she acts out in any way, is physically aggressive with another person or intentionally spreads lies, that she will not receive the attention she wants. She needs a consistent reminder that bad attention is different than good attention. On the contrary side of her negative behavior, Melanie needs a consistent flow of positive influence and acknowledgement as well. Rewarding her for her accomplishments and non aggressive choices will encourage her by example rather than verbal speeches. During school hours Mrs. B is responsible for monitoring the intervention plan however Mrs. Phillips should monitor Melanie’s behavior and decision making while at home. This plan is to be revisited and revised, if necessary, on April 30, 2012.

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