Friday, March 11, 2011

Prayers for Japan

The tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan is hard to digest. The gruesome pictures and videos are not making it any easier. As I read the stories, watch the news broadcasts and browse through the uploaded images, I could not express how heartbreaking it is to witness. My prayers go out to everyone who was affected by this tragedy. Everyone keeps joking about the world coming to an end but yet they don't do anything. Maybe it is inevitable. Maybe the damage has already been done. But does that mean we all have to give up before anything happens? If you look closely at some of these pictures from the Japan and the surrounding areas, some people aren't even crying. Maybe it is the shock, or maybe they have just accepted the facts. Who knows. Whatever the emotions that are undoubtedly flying across the nation right now, everyone should take a minute, just one minute to be thankful for what they have and for those around them. How many tragedies have to happen before we stop taking things (and loved ones) for granted? Just because tragedy struck overseas does not mean it can't happen here in the States. The seas connect all of us. Remember that!

For more information and updates on the tragic events in Japan Click Here.

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